Soil A&B 1L

Soil A&B 1L
Item# hgs1l

Product Description

House & Garden’s Soil A&B is a two part base nutrient specifically created for soil gardens that do not contain lime. Soil A&B’s liquid formulation contains no bulking agents or additional additives. This unique composition expedites the transfer of nutrients from the root zone into the foliage. House & Garden maintains their own nutrient manufacturing facility as well as their own laboratories where they continually test each batch of fertilizer they produce. This ensures that gardeners employing House & Garden receive high quality, consistent products.

Derived From: Calcium Nitrate, Ammonium Nitrate, Nitric Acid, Potassium Hydroxide, Phosphoric Acid Anhydride, and Magnesium Sulfate

Ingredients Explained: Soil A&B contains calcium and is intended for soil gardens that do not contain lime. The special formulation helps to keep the nutrient solution fresh and pure.

Application: Soil A&B is used for the plant’s entire life, dosage will vary.

Available Sizes: 1L, 5L, 10L & 20L