Nutra-Dip continuous Tri meter (pH, PPM & Temperature)

Product Description
The Nutradip Tri-Meter combines the technology of the pH and TDS meters and addresses an additional key factor in hydroponic growing, the temperature. Temperature in a nutrient solution is often wrongly overlooked. The temperature variance in a growing operation can significantly restrict the growth and yield of the plant(s).
With no effort at all, reliable, continuous reading of TDS, pH, and temperature can simultaneously be monitored and correct levels can easily and reliably be maintained.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Why are PPM, TDS, pH and EC important?
A: PPM and TDS are abbreviations that represent the concentration of elements in a solution or atmosphere. PPM is short for parts per million and TDS for total dissolved solids. EC (electro conductivity) is another form of measurement for TDS. PH is a measure of acidity or alkalinity which dictates plant uptake of particular elements.
Q: What is the suggested pH range for my hydroponic system and soil plants?
A: Hydroponic and soil gardens differ in the fact they both need different pH ranges for nutrients to be made available for plant absorption. Maintain a pH between 5.0 and 6.5 for hydroponic gardens and 6.0 to 7.0 for soil applications.