Canna Start 1L

Canna Start 1L
Item# cannastart1l

Product Description


With the addition of CANNA Start to the CANNA range, we offer a complete program for growing from Start to crop!

The best start for seedlings and cuttings

CANNA Start is a unique, balanced, one-part nutrient to meet the needs of seedlings and rooted cuttings. CANNA start gives you all the primary, secondary and micro nutrients for a cutting or seedling to develop into a strong healthy plant. CANNA start is a nutrient (not an additive for root development) and can be combined perfectly with a root stimulator like CANNA RHIZOTONIC.

Reduces the risk of overfeeding

Cuttings and seedlings have different needs than established plants. Therefore a normal nutrient for the vegetative stage is not suitable for cuttings and seedlings because you run the risk of overfeeding.

Reduces the risk of plant material turning yellow

Diluting a vegetative nutrient to make it more suitable for cuttings and seedlings isn't the answer. Such a dilution doesn't contain enough micro and macro elements. This causes yellowing of the plant material; not a good start for your crop. To ultimately achieve strong, healthy plants at the end you have to start off right at the very beginning. That's why CANNA developed CANNA Start; to get the exact ratio of all nutritional elements right for cuttings and seedlings.

Propagation media

CANNA Start is meant for use on various propagation substrated like Rockwool plugs, coco pellets, jiffy plugs, seedmixes and most other propogation mediums. It is suitable for use on all propogation media with the exception of re-circulating systems and clone machines.

CANNA Start is perferct for growers that: •Grow from seeds •Take their own cuttings •Put their cuttings in small pots first, before transplanting them into the final medium

Complete 1-part nutrient

CANNA Start is a complete one-part nutrient meaning it contains all the needed elements in one botle (no A and B versions needed).

Links up perfectly with CANNA Nutrients

CANNA Start links up perfectly with all other CANNA nutrients. Once cuttings are transplanted from plugs into the final medium, you switch from CANNA Start to the CANNA (Vega) nutrient suitable for the medium you're growing on (TERRA, COCO, SUBSTRA or AQUA) for the remainder of the cycle.

CANNA Start Directions of Use

Directions of use •Shake bottle well before use •Fill nutrient reservoir with water •Add CANNA Start to the nutrient reservoir with the dilution ratio 1:250 (40ml/10Liter or 15 ml/Gal) •The EC of CANNA Start dissolved in (tap) water varies between 0.7 - 1.3 mS (= the solution EC + the water EC) •Recommended pH: 5,2 - 6,2 •Make sure there is sufficient drain (10%)

Other directions •Keep out of reach of children •Store in a dark place •Keep away from extremes of hot and cold •Over fertilization has a negative effect on the nutrient mix and plant quality •If the solution comes in contact with the skin or eyes, rinse with water


CANNA additives are products meant for use alongside the main nutrient.

They are not complete nutrients themselves but a way to complete your nutrients during the different stages in the growing cycle of your crop. They are used to improve plant health and yield.

There are four different additives available, all with their own purpose.